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The Three Monkeys - special cocktails and cheap cheap beer!

Event Details

The Three Monkeys - special cocktails and cheap cheap beer!

Time: January 18, 2014 from 7pm to 11:45pm
Location: The original 3 Monkeys
Street: JiLin University(southern campus)---QianJin western street(地址:朝阳区硅谷大街661号天安第一城前(近吉林大学南校)前进西街)
City/Town: The Chun
Event Type: party., specials, cocktails
Organized By: The 3 Monkeys
Latest Activity: Jan 18, 2014

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Event Description

oIt is near JiLin University(southern campus)---QianJin western street(地址:朝阳区硅谷大街661号天安第一城前(近吉林大学南校)前进西街)
Light Rail:GuiGu street stop,walk up to Qian Jin western street.

Colin, mine host from the 3 Monkeys would like to invite everyone to come to the 3 Monkeys for a special evening

All the way from Shanghai the new craze is these special cocktails. They will be offered at these amazing prices until 10.00pm

The Cocalero Coco Shot - from 40 to 20 RMB
the Cocalero Coco Bomb. - from 40 to 20 Rmb
The Andean Mojito - from 50 to 20 RMB
The Amazon Margarita - from 50 to 20 Rmb

Draft beer at 5yuan until 10.00pm then only 10 Yuan

Amazing prices. Come and cosctail the night away!

Some special music will be devised for the evening

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Comment by Richard Roman on January 2, 2014 at 17:54
If anyone can put the address up, I would be grateful. I know where it is but not the name of the street

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