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17:11PM - New Cartoon added -Just 2 days to GO!!!. Again.

The End of the World IS coming - Mayan Calendar - What do you believe? Are you worried? Or let's just have one big party.

2 days to go.

21st  23rd of December at 19:11pm.

Here is the link with the actual Changchun date and time.

Mayan Timer


World clock converter

+13:0 hrs
China is 13:0 hours behind of Mexico That means when it is 1:00 am (midnight) in Mexico City Mexico,

it is 12:00 noon in Beijing China (same calendar day)

11.11 UTC is the exact time which is 19:11 in Changchun so TGI TEOTW - Thank God It's The End Of The World - Countdown Party at Grandpa's  - and I hear there'll will be a Secret Santa.

Though when I use other time calculators it spews out 23:11pm so I am still trying to confirm when we will all meet oblivion - though an hour or 2 this way or the other at the end doesn't really matter. Some believe the actual day is the 23rd and Sunday does suit me better and it is much more appropriate, don't you think? As Friday is such a negative day to end the world.

The ancient Mayan civilization predicted that the world was coming to an end on December 21, 2012, as it was the end of their calendar.

Five cycles of 126 years each, a total of 630 years, come to an end on the 21st of December.

Ancient Mayan prophets foretold of an earth-shattering event on December 21, 2012 (or 23rd).

In the Mexican town of Tapachula, a clock counts the minutes until the last day of the Mayan calendar.

SO just in case they are right we should live these days as if they were our last.

Use it to motivate yourself to do all that you can.

Complete everything you start - but then again if we are all dead does it matter.

Many people think the Mayans were not of this earth. This is because the calendar and many of their teachings were too advanced for their time - they were geniuses that appeared, built a civilisation and then quickly disappeared, leaving behind so much, including their famous astrological calendar that has baffled experts for centuries. Were they extra-terrestrial and knew something that we don't?

That final week we WILL have an earth-shattering party to celebrate life.

The 21st is a Friday but because of differing interpretations - THE END might come on the Sunday 23rd.

So our party should be the 20th or before, or if we are feeling brave - from the 21st to midnight on the 23rd.

This is the ultimate bucket list - The F@#$ it Bucket List. 

You might as well do that thing you have always wanted to do - nothing illegal just in case the Mayans got it wrong - which is unlikely. So unless you can physically see a big meteor hurtling towards you, or your feet are getting wet from a tsunami the size of Mount Everest speeding towards you, swallowing up Changchun, then keep it legal.


Make out your wills just in case some survive somehow.

Forget your diets and your fitness regimes. 


Not many people get to know how many days they have left - most of you do now - there are a few that might not make it as long as December 21st - and we all know who they are - but for the rest you have just 0 DAYS TO GO

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Comment by The Choonies on December 20, 2012 at 19:22

Thanks Chris but I've got a countdown clock in front of me and it says there are 4 hours and 38 minutes to go. 

Another site as I have shown says a different time and date.

Comment by CCF Beijing on December 20, 2012 at 18:46

I used to live in the town that famous 90's rock band R.E.M. was from (Athens, Georgia, USA).


And what popular song am I gonna mention by R.E.M ? (you guessed it)


"Its the End of the World as We know it"

Comment by Chris Knight on December 20, 2012 at 18:16

Martin, if you are on the east coast of Mexico, you are 14 hours behind Beijing time. If you are on the west coast, you are 15 hours behind. So you are looking at the "end of the world" sometime between 01:10 and 02:10 Saturday morning.

Comment by The Choonies on December 20, 2012 at 18:02

Must have got the wrong day!

Comment by The Choonies on December 20, 2012 at 11:08

NASA are so sure it won't be the end of the world that they have already issued their statement telling us why it didn't end.

Comment by The Choonies on December 20, 2012 at 11:03

Comment by The Choonies on December 20, 2012 at 10:53

So what time is the end? Even what day?
If you click on the World Clock Converter above it says
Saturday 22nd at 1:10am
The other countdown clock says 12 hours to go.
I am confused.

Comment by The Choonies on December 20, 2012 at 10:39

Mayan is an anagram of anyma and if you say it aloud it sounds like another word. 

Comment by Richard Roman on December 20, 2012 at 9:58

I think about dying.
About disease, starvation,
violence, terrorism, war,
the end of the world.

It helps
keep my mind off things

Courtesy of Roger McGough

Comment by The Choonies on December 20, 2012 at 8:45


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