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The five worst Christmas songs of all time

1 - John Denver: Please Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas)

The Colorado Laureate sings the tale of a seven-year-old boy pleading with his father not to pass out under the Christmas Tree. Denver, famous for Annie's Song, recorded Please Daddy in 1975 on his album Rocky Mountain Christmas and it featrures the lyrics:

You came home at a quarter past eleven
Fell down underneath our Christmas tree
Please Daddy, don't get drunk this Christmas
I don't wanna see my Mumma cry

Sadly, the words rebounded on Denver, who was charged with driving under the influence in 1993

any other awful Christmas songs? 

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Comment by Richard ridealgh on December 14, 2011 at 17:55
how about everyone happy at christmas, everything is tolerable and merry!
but I do hate jingle boll#@*$.

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