For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

Changchun Friends

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7 deadly perceptions of doing business in China.

Hopefully, with the help of our good friends over on CCL, I will publishing an article called "Do I have to drink Baijiu to do business in China." I wrote most of it under the heavy influence of Baijiu so I hope you enjoy it.

After I wrote my article, I decided to have a look on the web and see what was out there about business and etiquette in doing business and found this article. I really liked it and I think that it's very close to what is going on here today in China.

7 Deadly Perceptions About Doing Business with China

“We’re really wasting time,” says Janet Carmosky, CEO of the China Business Network. Carmosky knows what it’s like to be busy. When not running the China Business Network, a resource geared towards international professionals doing business with China; advising major corporations on their China strategies; or speaking at conferences, she writes about China for publications like the Economist and the Harvard Business Review. To read more go to the link below.

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Comment by Jack Field on September 27, 2012 at 14:37

The dragon wrestles with the bear.

Comment by Martin Tsui on September 27, 2012 at 12:19

very invisible, very nice.

Americans believe in "Business is business", while we do in a 'Business is not only business' way.

Comment by CCF Beijing on August 28, 2012 at 14:26

Speaking of doing business in China...have u heard of the book "Mr. China"? To say its simply "fascinating" an understatement.


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