For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

Changchun Friends

a great way to get involved

Just wondering what internet service provider are you using. What speed and price are you paying. It's the time a year for me to renew my internet and just wondering what everyone is paying this year. I have 4M with China Telecom paid 900RMB last year. Looking to upgrade to 8 or 10M. Tell me what you think.

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Comment by Pierre Robichaud on September 18, 2012 at 12:37

I got a flyer on my door with great internet price. I was told the English name of this internet provider is Founder. Is there anyone with them ? And are they any good. They have 10M for 1000RMB a year 12M for 1300RMB and 15M for 1800RMB  Those price are Excellent or are they???

Comment by Richard Roman on September 8, 2012 at 0:23
I would rally like to know about this- I have no idea!

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