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Cricket and its exquisite sadness
What is it about this unobtrusive game and the wistful yearnings it never quite fulfils?

A few fans drink in the joy and sorrow of the game unfolding before them. Photograph: Rebecca Naden/PA Archive/Press Association Ima
Somewhere within it, cricket has a deep, maybe unending, payload of sadness. It's there in its history, in its psychology and perhaps more than that, it's part of what the game actually is.

By sadness, I don't mean melancholy or unhappiness: they are something different. It's not about tragedy, although the game has had its share of those. Rather, it's an emotion that cricket in some way seems designed to evoke.

The late Jonathan Rendall captured something like it when, in one of his books, he described a man he had seen sitting in a bar on his own, a drink in his hand and a tear running down his face. "He just needed to let something pass through him," wrote Rendall. Having done so, he drank up and left. That's sadness.

Utter nonsense, but I love it!

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Comment by Jack Field on May 26, 2013 at 17:59

I don't think you are wrong, but at the same time i can't totally agree with what you are saying richard. to me the game makes me feel nothing but relaxed, nostalgic and generally happy.

Comment by Richard Roman on May 26, 2013 at 13:41
Some of the comments are just wonderful!

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