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How Gangnam Style and Fifty Shades gave culture a spanking

As the year hurtles towards its climax, now is the moment for decision. In the cultural hit parade, it’s time to reveal what is Number One this Christmas. I know that some aesthetes will object to this simplistic hierarchy. You will say that it is like being forced to choose between Beethoven’s Fifth and the Sistine Chapel. Others will be partisans for one masterpiece or the other.

Ladeees and gentlemen, as we come to Christmas Eve – with the last spasm of guilt-stricken shopping under way – the two most maddeningly successful productions of 2012 were … (drumroll) … Fifty Shades of Grey! and … (drumroll) … Gangnam Style! There can be no serious doubt of that.

Read the full post here!

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Comment by Richard Roman on December 24, 2012 at 16:37

I hereby announce that this year’s winner for the greatest cultural masterpiece of 2012 is Gangnam Style, with Fifty Shades narrowly beaten (in every sense) into second. All we need now is Fifty Shades of Gangnam – but then I expect someone has already done it.

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