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Most expensive cars at Beijing Auto Show

Loved this article but look at the prices of these cars. The Chinese people are paying through the roof for these luxury cars.

No. 5 - Rolls-Royce Phantom Series II(劳斯莱斯 幻影II)

   Estimated price in China: 12 million yuan (US$1,908,000)

No. 4 - Aston Martin Dragon 88 Limited Edition (阿斯顿马丁 龙年88限量版)

   Estimated price in China: 15 million yuan (US$2,385,000)

No. 3 - Koenigsegg Aegera R(科尼塞克 Aegera R)

   Estimated price in China: 23 million yuan (US$3,657,000)

No.2 - Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse(布加迪 威航)

   Estimated price in China: 40 million yuan (US$6,360,000)

No. 1 - Aston Martin one-77(阿斯顿马丁 one-77)

   Estimated price in China: 47 million yuan (US$7,473,000)

And not a Ferrari in sight!? Anyhow, if you like cars then you're probably salivating right now!

Views: 114

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Comment by kIDDa Vitaly on June 2, 2012 at 20:46

I've been there on april 30th) that's bigger then in Changchun, and lots of cars Ive never seen before at Changchun International Auto Show...)

Comment by Richard ridealgh on May 5, 2012 at 12:39

The Rolls was specially commissioned for the Queens Jubilee!

Comment by Richard Roman on May 5, 2012 at 12:32

Wow! These prices are amazing. Beautiful cars though!

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