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Superman quits his job on The Daily Planet to become online blogger

The fictional superhero's alter ego Clark Kent, who has been working as a reporter on The Daily Planet since the 1940’s, leaves the newspaper business after becoming discontent with the state of 21st century journalism.

Instead Clark Kent is expected to start the next big online blog as a roving citizen journalist,

‘He is more likely to start the next Huffington Post or the next Drudge Report than he is to go find someone else to get assignments or draw a paycheck from,’ Lobdell added.

The leaked pages from Wednesday's edition sees Superman's alter-ego having a discussion about the state of modern journalism with his editor Perry White and ex-wife Lois Lane, who is a producer for Galaxy Broadcasting............................................................or just maybe he has moved to Changchun and started up Changchun Live........just sayin'... (h/t to Langlee)

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Comment by CCF Beijing on October 25, 2012 at 21:29

Here's hoping The Man of Steel doesn't work for Newsweek, News of the World or the BBC. Newsweek will end its print magazine operations after 80 years and strictly stay online (and we know about the ongoing troubles of the other two...)

Comment by John Rutledge on October 25, 2012 at 16:23

Given that nearly all of the major newspapers in the US are in Chapter 11 or almost there, I'm not surprised.  I guess Clark needed to eat.

Comment by David Emmerson Nicholson on October 25, 2012 at 15:26

Bit weird...though i suppose they are trying to reinvent comic book heroes for a younger generation, such as the New 52s.

Newspapers are still needed in society so a change like this is not really that needed, unless they are trying to make Clark Kent hip and in touch with youths...


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