For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

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Turkish Restaurant Bids us Goodbye - Why oh Why?

The Turkish restaurant has gone. It wasn't that long ago it opened. It started slowly but then it quickly improved. I used it often and Thomas, Mary and I loved it there.

I can't believe it's gone - but gone it has and moved to Dalian. How did we allow this treasure to escape so easily.

They spoke English, they worked hard to please the foreign community - they couldn't be nicer, they were our friends.

We, our community, should have supported them more. We should have organised events there,we should have promoted them more, they should have had a presence on CCF website, we should have made it difficult for them to leave us. 

We only find out they are gone because the premises are empty, the doors are locked and a farewell note is stuck to their window. Were they even members of CCF?

So what does Dalian have that we don't have?

We should be able to influence things here but we don't even notice most of the time.

Their is a big community of foreigners here and we have all the tools we need to attract and support all sorts of ventures, especially restaurants that cater for us and give the community another choice.

What a damn pity! 

Views: 363

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Comment by Chris Knight on June 23, 2012 at 13:11

We need to actually hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak. We can sit here all day, and wonder why they left so suddenly, but unless Tolga himself actually tells us, we'll never know.

Comment by Chris Knight on June 23, 2012 at 13:09

In a way you are right, Alex. Most foreigners will leave a note, but a lot of Chinese businesses do not. Still, most FOREIGN businesses will give their customers warning that they are shutting down.

Comment by Alex on June 23, 2012 at 13:04
Not sure Chris....I've seen these here in thousands of times already. Really not big deal. Actually they have really gone extra mile leaving a polite messages. Usually this never happens. Simply you go there and....that's it!
Comment by Chris Knight on June 23, 2012 at 12:54

You "might" be right, Alex, however, NOBODY packs up and leaves overnight without letting their client base know!!

Comment by Alex on June 23, 2012 at 12:45
If you leave Changchun for going to Jilin, then there is definitely something wrong...but if you leave Changchun and go to Dalian, it is more that legitimate. Have you have ever been to Dalian, Martin? I think they have done their test in CC and now they're are moving to a stage with much more business potential. Quite straight. It has nothing to do with the community or with Changchunfriends.
Comment by Alejandro Indigo on June 23, 2012 at 12:09

Haha why is that so many people want to leave changchun?

Comment by Matt Keuler on June 22, 2012 at 23:37

That really sucks...  I love that place.  But I didn't go that often.

Comment by Elliott.B on June 22, 2012 at 22:46

where is it ? i want to test the turkish food but it closed,maybe there are others like this restaurant?

Comment by Downtown David - 白大伟 on June 22, 2012 at 18:11

Im not sure why they closed.  They did seem to have patronage there.  The place was never empty.  .

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