For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

Changchun Friends

a great way to get involved

Really every day I can not understand a bit more to this country.
The last example, this afternoon when I tried to buy a sandwich at CHEZ MAMMEN.
My good friend Richard Ridealgh recomed me this place.
Yesterday they prepare me a wonderful sandwich with a baguette.

Today have gone back,but there was´nt.
But had a magnificent round breads of half a kilo.
I have asked to cut one in half and make me a sandwich like yesterday.
As lways, the shop woman has had to consult the "cook" and this has simply say no.
Is this the best way to make costumers? Is much work to cut a round loaf of bread?
It is simply an idiot?
Be careful with this bakery.
Indeed, the garlic bread that had already had three days there.

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I am Sorry that you've had a bad experience there. I was hoping this shop would be a good experience for you. This place is generally good!?
Chez Mamman is the best place for me to get bread. I love their bread pretzels and their garlic bread. I also know that I must get their early to get the fresh bread but will accept older bread if it's all they have. In general this place has been a great place for me.

The crazy decisions made in shops here are all part of the difference in culture and it no longer frustrates me and as Fin once said - it's one of the best things about China.

So don't give up on Chez Mamman as like many other foreigners we find this place to be a great plus in our community.

One last thing, Erwin i love your written English - it was clear but very interesting and in some ways I hope you have more complaints so I can read about them. Maybe start a weekly thing of your observations and experiences , good and bad.

Thank you for your words. I'm calmer.

Although my character is to complain, and I always say that the day I do not complain, I will begin to be old.

Observations and experiences of a newcomer alien?

Good idea.  There are a lot of them.

On my planet, cars can only turn in one direction.
Why not apply here the theory of
mechanics fluid for the traffic?
Two fluids never intersect in two opposite addresses in the crosses (ass here).


Other question:

Why the taxi drivers are constantly counting the money?
The yuan is not generated by spores of a traffic light to the next. or yes?

On my planet, if there is a new customer, there is usually the same amount of money.

What planet are you on?
Love reading this though I am not completely in synch but I don't really care.
Glad you are more peaceful but concentrating on taxis here will drive you crazy -best to give directions then shut your eyes and open them when he nudges you for money.

Was a question of time.
Today I had my first car accident. My taxi has crashed against other car who has suddenly turned in the opposite direction.
I still do not understand this damn traffic criterion.
Dear Choonies; how do you think that I can shut my eyes when I take a taxi?

E.T.  said!

I agree. It doesnt matter where you go, Changchun or anywhere, you will always have good days of service and bad. I love their bread and that is all i go there for. Service, ah, Erwin, you gotta take the good with the bad mate, im sure they'll pick up in time.

Suele pasarnos a todos. Yo me compre un hornito por 300 yuan y lo uso para hornear pan. jaja. Vaya acostumbrandose a changchun, amigo.

Choonies should make a cartoon of you.

Jaja Ferney ! 

no se como hago YO para alimentarme con semejante chiquitez de horno, mas si Dios me regala un horno decente, con mucho gusto vendo pancitos, bizcochos (croissants) pan arabe (mmm tengo hambre) etc.

Ferney Manrique said:

Hey. Excelente.
Vos podrias estar vendienonos tu pan. ya no necesitariamos a Chez Mammen, tendriamos nuestro original CHE MAMA

Alejandro Indigo said:

Suele pasarnos a todos. Yo me compre un hornito por 300 yuan y lo uso para hornear pan. jaja. Vaya acostumbrandose a changchun, amigo.

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