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Chinese Colloquial Phrases(56)It’s like nothing to do with somebody; It seems as if nothing has happened.

Gēn méishìrén shìde.
It’s like nothing to do with somebody; It seems as if nothing has happened.




The phrase “跟没事人似的(Gēn méishìrén shìde.)” means it’s nothing to do with somebody or it seems as if nothing has happened. It is mainly used in two circumstances. Firstly, one pretends that nothing bad has happened. Secondly, it is used to describe a person, who neglects and refuses to admit his or her faults or does not take responsibilities.



Jiǎ: Gāngcái tā de jiǎo liúle nàme duō xiě, tā hái yǒu shuō yǒu xiào, gēn méishìrén shìde.
A: His foot was bleeding a lot just now, but he still talked and laughed like nothing had happened.

Yǐ: Kěndìng shì bùxiǎng ràng dàjiā dānxīn.
B: Perhaps he didn’t want others to worry about him.


Jiǎ: Zhème duō gōngzuò yào zuò, Xiǎo Lǐ qù nǎr le?
A: There is so much work to do. Where is Xiao Li?

Yǐ: Tā hái gēn méishìrén shìde chūqù hē kāfēi le. Wǒ xiànzài jiù dǎ diànhuà jiào tā huílái.
B: He has gone to the cafe as if he has no responsibility. I’ll call him back.


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