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Changchun Friends

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The European Championship


The European Championship

 this is a group to discuss who is going to win and also to plan our own events during the month of June

They kick off on June 8th

For more details:

Location: The Chun - Sunshine city
Members: 14
Latest Activity: Sep 25, 2012

The groups

European Championship Group Stage

The 16 teams playing in the European Championship have been split into a total of four groups, with four teams in each group (A-D).

Group A: Poland, Greece, Russia, Czech Republic

Czech 6

Greece 4

Russia 4

Poland 2

Group B: Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Portugal

Germany 9

Potugal 6

Denmark 3

Netherlands 0

Group C: Spain, Italy, Republic of Ireland, Croatia

Spain 7

Italy 5

Croatia 4

Group D: Ukraine, Sweden, France, England

England 7

France 4

Ukraine 3

Sweden 3

Euro 2012 Knockout Stages

The winners are:

  •  Portugal
  • Germany
  • Spain
  •  Italy

Semi Final winners



And the winners are:



Discussion Forum

All the scores

Started by Richard Roman. Last reply by Richard Roman Jun 16, 2012. 1 Reply

8 June 2012 - Final tournament - Group stage (Group…Continue

France vs England

Started by Richard Roman. Last reply by David Liu Jun 12, 2012. 22 Replies

This is to talk about the match and guess the score!So farVinz - 1-0 to F (If Jonny Wilkinson is not playing)Clement 2-0 to FBradfoed Richard 3-1 to EOld Ricard 2-1 to EMr Choonie - 3-0 EDavid Liu - 2-1 Francewager is 10 RMB - all welcome and if two…Continue


Started by Richard Roman. Last reply by Richard Roman Jun 1, 2012. 8 Replies

Entrance fee is 50 yuan per entryJust choose your team!1st place 60%, 2nd Place 30% 3rd place - 10%Choose any team you like - winners will share the potTrust me - its Tricky Dicky! - the changchun Bookie!So far:Netherlands - Liverpool Richard,…Continue

Comment Wall

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Comment by Sebastien Bossard on June 22, 2012 at 6:49

for me.



Final Spain-Italy

winners: Italy

Comment by Nicholas Kitto on June 22, 2012 at 6:44

I am going to stick with my predictions:

 Semi Finals: Portugal Vs Spain

                  Germany Vs England

 Final: Portugal Vs England

 Winners: England.


Comment by Richard Roman on June 22, 2012 at 5:44

Next up - Germany vs Greece

Will miss this as will be on a train up to Leeds but 5-1 to greece!

Comment by Richard Roman on June 22, 2012 at 5:25

Just watched the match with my nephew who knows more than I do!

he has put a bet of £50 on Portugal. Germany and \spain to win - gets 100 if he wins!

Did not bet on England vs italy because he told me he thought Italy will win 2-0 and did not want to bet against England - and lose the money he had already made!

Comment by Richard Roman on June 22, 2012 at 5:16

Have a read of this  alex!

Ukraine 0 Stevie G 1 Bring on Italy!

Comment by Vinz on June 21, 2012 at 18:42

come on man, it is just sports! Anything can happen! Why would we wake up at 2 in the morning or spend sleepless nights if everything was already written by bloody journalists and bet makers?

Sports is about who is better on the very moment of the game, who is the best prepare and what team wants to win the most. 

If you disagree, play chess instead.

Comment by Alex on June 21, 2012 at 11:57
No it is truly me. And the english press is supporting my view as well. So no point for us to be confident. After all, the comments on this blog confirm that the majority of football experts and seafood see England going very far in this tournament. We were lucky enough in getting to the second round. And we don't have good divers either. Come on England!
Comment by Richard ridealgh on June 21, 2012 at 8:20
i just think hes superstitious. he probably thinks if he publically supports england then italy will win. lets face it, italy can beat anybody if they play to their potential.
Comment by leah on June 21, 2012 at 8:12

who ever you are, get out of Alex body!

Comment by Alex on June 20, 2012 at 19:06

I want to assure all my English and UK friends that Italy will not be an obstacle for them. Your team is simply far better than us and the standard of your players as well as the football you guys play, is too good compared to us. So, just relax and get ready to move on to the next round.


Members (12)


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