For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

Changchun Friends

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Sebastien Bossard
  • Male
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Sebastien Bossard's Friends

  • Jack Cong
  • Richard Paul Roman
  • John Ghazaryan
  • Przemyslaw (Murin) Murzyn
  • John Rutledge
  • Akina
  • Clement
  • Arvid Botiger
  • Alizée
  • leah
  • David G
  • Ward Lynds 赖获得
  • Jo Ann Dobbert
  • Vinz
  • David Puckett (白大卫)

Sebastien Bossard's Page

Profile Information

What city, and country are you from originally?
Nantes, France
What are you doing/plans here?
A little something about yourself - hobbies, interests, favorites, goals, etc
miniature wargaming

Sebastien Bossard's Photos

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 6:19am on October 10, 2013, Vinz gave Sebastien Bossard a gift
At 13:15 on October 10, 2012, Richard Roman said…
Happy birthday!
At 12:42pm on October 10, 2012, Richard ridealgh gave Sebastien Bossard a gift
At 20:00 on March 26, 2012, Richard Roman said…

Sebastien - have just found out that I have make up classes that day (and the following two saturdays) - any chance of moving it to a Sunday?

At 12:24 on January 18, 2012, Richard Roman said…

Sebastien - I am off on holiday from tomorrow so a quick idea

When I get back I will have to work on Saturdays - could we move the date of the next battle to Sunday - I suggest the 4th march. The reason I suggest that date is that the previous Sunday is a Russian festival day and valentina may be organising a Russian party on that day

What do you think?

At 11:55 on November 26, 2011, Jo Ann Dobbert said…

Thank you for the gift on my Birthday Sebastien, You made my day. :>)


At 21:17 on October 31, 2011, Richard Roman said…
My apologies - I write a quick monthly newletter and forgot to mention your event. My mistake - apologies!
At 17:35 on October 10, 2011, Colby Colasanto said…
Hey man, happy birthday. Hope to catch you at our next beer tasting. Take care
At 2:27pm on October 10, 2011, Richard ridealgh gave Sebastien Bossard a gift
At 13:04 on October 10, 2011, David G said…

Bonjour Sebastien, 

Un petit coucou pour te souhaiter un très JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE . 

Et bienvenue à Changchun (avec un peu de retard )


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