For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

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All Chinese Colloquial Phrases Pages (339)

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(50)It is not worth mentioning.

不值得一提。 Bù zhíde yì tí. It is not worth mentioning.   用法说明 “不值得一提”的意思是因为太小或者不重要不值得说。说 sentence means something is too tiny or unimportant to speak of, which is used to show the speakers’ modesty… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(49)No way.

没门儿。 Méi ménr. No way.   用法说明 “没门儿”字面上是说没有门可以供人出去,就是没有可能的意思。表示某 ménr)” literally means there is no door to get out. Its extended meaning is there is no possibility in doing something, indicating… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(48)It serves you right./ You deserve it.

活该。 Huógāi. It serves you right./ You deserve it.   用法说明 “活该”是指对某人的遭遇不值得同情。经常用作谓语,也可以单独成句。 means someone deserves no sympathy from others though he/she has suffered certain loss. This phrase of… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(47)To be honest./ To tell the truth.

老实说。 Lǎoshi shuō. To be honest./ To tell the truth.   用法说明 “老实说”经常用在句首作为插入语,一般表示对某人或某事做出客观 shuō)” is usually used as parenthesis at the beginning of a sentence. It tells one’s true feeling or vi… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(46)Alright.

就这么着吧。 Jiù zhème zhāo ba. Alright.   用法说明 “就这么着吧” 通常用来肯定、赞同别人,有时候也包含一种事已至此,觉得无奈的意思。常常用在经过商量,最后做了某个决定 zhème zhāo ba.)”is usually used to agree or affirm others. Sometimes it means the story has a… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(45)Let’s get this straight.

话得说清楚。 Huà děi shuō qīngchu. Let’s get this straight.   用法说明 “话得说清楚”一般作为独立成分出现在话语中,表示不赞同对 phrase “话得说清楚(Huà děi shuō qīngchu.)” usually acts as an independent component in a sentence to clearly… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(44)It’s nothing more than that.

就那么回事(儿) 。 Jiù nàme huí shì. It’s nothing more than that.   用法说明 “就那么回事”通常作为一个插入语成分,强调没有什么特殊的,和普通 nàme huí shì.)” is usually used as parenthesis, indicating something is just like that and there… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(43)It is true, but…

  话是这么说。 Huà shì zhème shuō. It is true, but…   用法说明 “话是这么说”通常是先肯定别人所说的,然后再委婉地表达自己的看法。 shì zhème shuō.)” is used by agreeing what others said first and then expressing one’s own idea mildly… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(42)It is unlikely to go wrong.

错不了。 cuò bù liăo. It is unlikely to go wrong.   用法说明 “错不了”表示对自己猜测或言行的一种肯定。”错不了”经常用作补 bù liăo)” is usually used by someone to affirm his/her own guess, statement or behavior. It often acts as a c… View »

Chinese Colloquial Phrases(41)It’s up to you to do sth. or not.

…不…由你。 …bù/bú…yóu nǐ. It’s up to you to do sth. or not.   用法说明 这个结构“动词 不 动词 由你”中“不”字前后用同一个动词(一般是一个汉字),意思是“做不做由你自己决定”,例如“看不看由你” the structure “verb 不(bù/bú)  verb 由你(yóu nǐ) ”, the two verbs… View »


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