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Changchun Friends

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Someone's way of telling me to feel bad?

By: Dutch Martin

Was at the train station picking up tickets for Dalian. Now, I'm used to beggars passing the queue asking for money and anywhere else I might have given some but from experience it is unwise, especially as a foreigner, to give money while queuing. When other beggars get wind that I am willing to give-up coin they will come to me like moths to a flame. And, as I am in a queue, I can't just walk away.

So in this case I decided not to give money and the poor chap begged on. This guy was particular unfortunate as he had no fingers nor thumbs to speak of. Even so, I decided to stand my ground and ignore him nonetheless.

As he passed behind me, some other guy waiting in line pointed at a coin which fell out of the beggars' bag. Then for an excruciating 5 seconds I observed him trying to lift up the coin with his fingerless stumps, no-one else trying to help him...

I did what I reckoned was the best thing to do and proceeded to pick-up the coin and then put it in the man's bag. It was a miserable one-Mao coin (一毛钱)... This old beggar (in his late sixties) began to thank me profusely and with a red face I managed to squeeze back into line. I know that, right then and there, I should have given the guy some change but numbly did not. I could feel everybody's condescending eyes on me.
Then, to my surprise all other patrons decided to give money to my new fingerless friend, which only added insult to injury.

 Anything like that happened to you before? Comment please!

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Comment by CCF Beijing on June 26, 2012 at 6:57

Its a personal choice.

When and if I give to a Chinese beggar....I have received criticism from Chinese and expat alike (as in "if you give them money- you are paying the Chinese mob") Doesn't affect me either way.

I will still give if I want to or not.

Comment by Chris Knight on June 25, 2012 at 16:31

Unfortunately, it has been my experience that the ones who are missing body parts, or who have oddly shaped body parts, did not come that way by design. They came that way by red envelope. While I do have pity for them, I will in no way, shape or form, feel guilty and give money to the proceeds of organized crime.

Comment by Richard ridealgh on June 25, 2012 at 14:44

Martin, your feelings only show you are alive!. You said it right in that if you had given money to him, they would have come out of the corners of that room looking for charity too. I think your actions, however indirect, generated more money for that guy. Lets be honest, if you had given him some, do you think the others would have! I doubt it! Enjoy Dalian!

As for your evaluation of "condescending eyes" - NO! You've lived here too long to believe that!

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