For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

Changchun Friends

a great way to get involved

Hey guys! I have an embarrassing question to ask and it is a question that treads on very thin ice. Does anyone know any good dating websites or services in Changchun? I have been in Changchun for a little more than a year and a half and I am aware of the risks when it comes to dating in Changchun. I had a Chinese girlfriend from Changchun who I broke up with last summer but I felt I was lucky with her because she came from a higher upper class family and she had no interest in leaving China so I felt she wasn't after anything other than a relationship.

However I have learned through co-workers that dating a girl from China is sort of risky because most girls just want to marry a rich person whom can financially support them the rest of their lives. I have signed up on and other sites but as soon as they find out my occupation and Salary they blow me off because they believe it is not sufficient to support a family. Also, most girls don't seem to care about hobbies or interests. It seems most of these girls are only interested in their smart phones, weixin, QQ, and shopping for name brand things, and materialism.

My Chinese co-workers suggest I stick to other foreigners because of this belief. I also worry about the old fashion stigma of people trying to date me because of my access to the states.

I had a friend who was already scammed by a girl and I worry something similar might happen to me.

Does anyone have any good suggestions or advice?

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Hi Jaime. I think that many people here have found and fallen in love with people. There is no set rule and quite frankly dating sites are not the way. People are people everywhere and we live and learn! Not sure this helps but just my take on it.

I guess it would be safer among Changchun Friends than dating websites. However I just want people to know it's not my intent to use Changchun friends solely as a place to look for someone to date. Thanks Richard!

Hey Jaime I'm Alex and I married a Chinese girl, it wasn't easy, I don't think a lot of things of this kind are easy in China, but my best advice to you would be

Learn Chinese and get yourself some chinese friends who can help you with the language. As far as I know, the kind of local girls who would usually hang out with foreigners might sometimes fall into a stereotype, kind of what you described before. But once you've learned Mandarin you will be exposed to many different kinds of people. Thanks to the language I made some great friends and I also got to build a strong bond with my wife's family, unfortunately it's a very tricky language but trust me it will open a lot of doors for you. Ask any other laowai who speak chinese and they will tell you the same.

A true Chinese lover definitely comes with Chinese subtitles.

Good luck !

You're right Alex. I shouldn't take these stereotypes seriously. I'm currently learning chinese through friends, books, videos, and rosettastone. Thanks man!

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