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Movies by Genre!


Winter is upon us and I am considering starting a movie night at World life club in Gui Lin Lu. I have a nice new HDMI TV which I think would be perfect for showing some great movies.

So I need your help, I want to compose a list of movies for each Genre. I think the main thing is that I am looking for the greatest movies ever made in each catergory.

a) Western

b) Sci-Fi

c) Action

d) Romance/Comedy

e) Period/Historic

Thanks for your help, and feel free to add a genre or 2:)

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For sci-fi I suggest The man from earth by Richard Schenkman. 

The scenario is fascinating!!

Drama - Shawshank Redemption

Romantic comedy - 50 first dates.

LEON just got the vote at Rise immersion English school!

historic- Forbidden city by Zhang Yimou


Drama- La fille sur le pont by Leconte.

I will have to have a look at those, not seen either Alizee.

Action: Fight Club.

Western - Anything John Wayne (or the Lone Ranger)

Sci-Fi - Alien

Action - Tuxedo

Comedy - Liar, Liar

Historic - Tora, Tora, Tora

Western's for me are pretty dull, but Clint Eastwood is cool.
Adam sandler has produced some great movies recently in the romantic comedy sector. Funny people, grown ups and Just go with it are all really good movies.

Of course, if you want real, side-splitting laughter type comedy, you just absolutely have to play the CCTV 1 evening news.

f) War/ Military

g) Documentary

h) Film Noir

i) Clint Eastwood


P.S. Agree with RR about "Drama" and "Shawshank Redemption"


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