For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

Changchun Friends

a great way to get involved

Richard Roman's Blog – March 2014 Archive (4)

World’s best whisky 2014 revealed – and it’s not from Scotland or Japan

A panel of experts have chosen the best single malt whisky in the world for 2014 – and it comes from a Tasmanian distillery
Described by one judge as tasting like “honey, vanilla and haystacks”, the Sullivans Cove French Oak Cask becomes the first winner of the biggest award in whisky production to come from the Australian island.

Added by Richard Roman on March 31, 2014 at 16:05 — 1 Comment

Crisp (chip?)flavours around the world

I was musing, as I do, on the crisp flavours we have in China. To be honest I cannot take any of them except the plain variety

Yet in the UK , depending on my mood, I will buy cheese and onion, salt and vinegar and smoky bacon.

Are crisp flavours different around the world? What are the favourites in your country?

Added by Richard Roman on March 30, 2014 at 13:57 — 2 Comments

Spring Competition - prizes to be won!

As with our winter competition, when we ask for the first day of snow, this is to ask for the first day that the temperature hits 20degrees Celsius.

Sharon and Richard won it last year and the actual day was the 22nd of April

The question you have to answer is:

When will the day time temperature record 20 degrees Celsius or more for the first time this year? The weather station that will be used is Accuweather.

People who bet 10 days before the… Continue

Added by Richard Roman on March 15, 2014 at 16:42 — 24 Comments

New Indian restaurant

The new Indian restaurant is supposedly opening on Monday 10tMarch. It is pretty well next to Burger King and as you enter from the street, you walk up a flight of stairs. The front of the restaurant simply says Indian Curry. Nothing like giving yourself a great name huh?

Anyway. If people get a chance to go from Monday, please let us know what it is like!

Added by Richard Roman on March 7, 2014 at 15:10 — 1 Comment

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