For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.

Changchun Friends

a great way to get involved

Richard Roman's Blog (150)

Green sea in China

Have a look at this article of the beach in Qingdao

Great stuff!

The largest algal bloom ever recorded in China has turned the Yellow Sea green and may be related to pollution from agriculture and industry.

Officials in the city of Qingdao had used bulldozers to remove 7,335 tonnes of the growth from beaches according to the Xinhua news agency.…


Added by Richard Roman on July 5, 2013 at 19:58 — 1 Comment

E-mail hacked

My e- mail was seriously compromised yesterday. This is how it happened. I received a message from Yahoo ( well, I thought it was)telling me that I had to confirm whom I was as my messaging was over the limit. In good faith I typed in all my details...........

Added by Richard Roman on June 14, 2013 at 18:11 — 2 Comments

I wiSh I had been on this flight from Beijing to Macau!

An orchestra stuck on board a delayed plane decided to pass the time with an impromptu performance - much to the delight of their fellow passengers.

Members of the Philadelphia Orchestra found themselves stuck on the tarmac for three hours while they waited for their flight from Beijing to Macau.

So four of them decided to treat their fellow-passengers to a movement from a string quartet by Dvorak.…


Added by Richard Roman on June 9, 2013 at 8:26 — No Comments


Love this word but what does it mean and what's is its etymology?

Added by Richard Roman on June 4, 2013 at 9:56 — No Comments

Cricket and its exquisite sadness

Cricket and its exquisite sadness

What is it about this unobtrusive game and the wistful yearnings it never quite fulfils?

A few fans drink in the joy and sorrow of the game unfolding before them. Photograph: Rebecca Naden/PA Archive/Press Association Ima

Somewhere within it, cricket has a deep, maybe unending, payload of sadness. It's there in its history, in its psychology and perhaps more than that, it's part of what the game actually is.

By sadness, I don't… Continue

Added by Richard Roman on May 26, 2013 at 13:32 — 2 Comments

3D printing: the new, bottom-up industrial revolution

I don't know much about this but it appears to be a staggering development. 20 years ago we had no Google or Facebook or Twitter, indeed no World Wide Web to speak of. I wonder if this new idea will have a similar effect

Remarkably, 3D printing allows actual objects to be designed and created (or “printed”) surprisingly quickly with a computer connected to a printer-like device, using special material (often plastic, but increasingly almost anything) as “ink” and “paper”. With the… Continue

Added by Richard Roman on May 8, 2013 at 16:36 — 11 Comments

Bus map of Changchun - can we organise one?

It is becoming increasingly difficult to get taxis these days. Would it be possible to create a really good map with bus routes? Calling all our Chinese friends to help translate/direct/ organise such a venture.

We could then have it up all the time on Changchun Live to help people get around......

Just sayin'!

Added by Richard Roman on April 16, 2013 at 15:28 — 2 Comments

You’re the Jong that I want! A tribute to Grease!

Our dear leader sure seems to know how to have fun! - it is the Sun again - what a newspaper!

Added by Richard Roman on April 9, 2013 at 14:00 — 2 Comments

70m cliff ladders part of Chinese children's school route – video

The school bus - whole new meaning!

Children in Sangzi, Hunan province, are forced to climb tall ladders in local forests on their way to school. The ladders, some of which have a 70m drop below, are made by locals and provide many children with their only route to school. The central Chinese area is poor, with these makeshift constructs the only route to larger towns nearby…


Added by Richard Roman on April 3, 2013 at 15:34 — 1 Comment

Anyone looking for a fantastic cleaning lady?

My cleaner, who is absolutely brilliant is looking for more cleaning positions. She comes to my house once a week and on my return from work the flat is immaculate. Totally trustworthy and a very nice lady. She charges 75 RMB for a weekly clean including laundry. Let me know if you are interested. She has my highest recommendation

Added by Richard Roman on April 1, 2013 at 20:35 — No Comments

What helps create confidence?

I believe that thre are two things required to get on in life
1. The ability to communicate
2. To have confidence in yourself

How do we develop confidence?

Is it inborn? Can it be inculcated? Can it be taught?

Answers please!

Added by Richard Roman on March 31, 2013 at 23:53 — 2 Comments

Fascinating photographs of Korea 100 years ago

Before the dynasty of dictators took over: Fascinating photographs capture the opulent life of the royal family in a UNITED Korea more than a century ago

Added by Richard Roman on March 26, 2013 at 21:12 — 1 Comment

Unfinished Business - a poem by South African John (Howard)

John has generously sent me this poem. Hope you will all enjoy!

Unfinished Business




















TO… Continue

Added by Richard Roman on March 25, 2013 at 15:37 — No Comments

How do I print from an iPad

Saw this in today's Telegraph. Does it make sense. Can it be done?

I intend buying a 3G iPad but I don't have a computer or broadband connection in my home at present. Can I print from the iPad to an AirPrint Compatible wireless printer, or do I have to have Wi-Fi?

Norman Reid, by email

I have come across reports of it working with AirPrint compatible printers that also have a feature called Wi-Fi Direct. This enables Ad-Hoc network wireless connections to devices… Continue

Added by Richard Roman on March 25, 2013 at 13:26 — 1 Comment

A question for all the English teachers

What is the difference between the two verbs
Solve ans Resolve?

Not expecting many people to comment on this but it did lead to a heated debate the other night!

Added by Richard Roman on March 19, 2013 at 0:00 — 16 Comments

Teaching opportunities - part time and full time

James Madasio has asked me to put up a blog. He is interested in anyone who is interested in either part time or full time teaching jobs with the kindergarten schools that he teaches at. Prices are negotiable.

Please contact James directly for further information

This is his page on CCF:…


Added by Richard Roman on March 10, 2013 at 18:16 — No Comments

Spring Competition - prizes to be won!

As with our competition for the first day of snow, here is one for the first day of spring

The question you have to answer is:

When will the day time temperature record 20 degrees Celsius or more for the first time this year? The weather station that will be used is Accuweather.

People who bet 10 days before the actual record will not be counted.

The winner to get a bottle of red wine from Sam's and if there is more than one winner, then it is… Continue

Added by Richard Roman on February 28, 2013 at 18:00 — 50 Comments

TED in Changchun - a series of lectures

Raj ( Cache) has come up with this idea - what do we all think?

TED, for those who do not know is an organisation which invites people to speak about a whole variety of ideas, values, views etc and videos them. Look up TED on google!

Anyway, I am sure we have enough talent in this city to create some very interesting talks on everything from Chinese medicine, the new economic ideas leading into the future, the role of spirituality in the 21st century and so… Continue

Added by Richard Roman on January 24, 2013 at 20:52 — No Comments

A Family group

The idea has been put to me that we ought to create a group for families with young children. Anyone up for helping this idea off the ground?

We could organise picnics, visits , parties etc

Come on yoU
guys and gals with children!

The group could be private

Come on !

Added by Richard Roman on January 22, 2013 at 21:14 — No Comments

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