For the most part, the Changchun Friends website is not very active and has been superseded by the Tencent "Wechat" app by the local expat community. This website is maintained sporadically, people may still join and membership is still open, but if you are a spammer, stay away. The archived information here is still useful, but some may be out of date. There are plans to make it more useful for static information in the future. If anyone needs information about Changchun or China, you may post a message and it probably will get a response but not immediately.
Hey chaps and chapettes,
Am trying to organise a HK trip for my partner (visa funtimes).
Have checked a few airline comparison sites but was just wondering if you guys have any tips for getting there on the cheap!
Thanks =)
Jem x
Added by Jemma Morgan on January 25, 2012 at 18:37 — 5 Comments
I am researching which VPN to go with. I assume that paid ones will be more reliable than freebies (Correct?). I saw an ad for Express VPN in one of these expat groups and wondered if there was any feedback on them by users here. Also I noticed that Chinoxy was also recommended here. Is there any difference between the two performance-wise? Thanks.
Added by Tom Riggle on January 25, 2012 at 9:14 — 4 Comments
We finally, after months of waiting, made it to China. We have been here in Jilin for a week now, shaking off our jet lag, poking around the city of Jilin, enjoying the strangeness of it all.
I have lots of questions that come to mind, so I am sure I will get good use out of this forum to get better information. Speaking of which: Where can I get (preferably in Jilin) an adapter for my Dell laptop (bought in US)? The fellow in the store here (named Da something Guan) sold me a…
Added by Tom Riggle on January 22, 2012 at 5:32 — 6 Comments
Just some holy people I have come across recently:
Dennis the Abbott
Mahatma Jack
Steve "the seer" Mellow
The Dalai Richard (or as some people say: "The Dalai Dick"
Are there any other holy people out there?
Added by Richard Roman on January 19, 2012 at 15:30 — 1 Comment
Figures show the number of people seeking voice coaching has more than doubled in a year in response to the depressed jobs market.
Some tutors put the rise down to the popularity of The King’s Speech, saying it prompted a renewed focus on the personal benefits of speaking clearly and effectively.
Others said they had been inundated with calls from parents who fear their children are…
Added by Richard Roman on January 19, 2012 at 12:00 — No Comments
Boxing great Muhammad Ali, right, with the help of his sister-in-law, Marilyn Williams, left, makes an appearance at a balcony before the celebration for his 70th birthday at the Muhammad Ali Center on Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, in Louisville, Ky. Ali turns 70 Tuesday.
I remember so many great days watching this man perform either in the ring or being interviiewed by the TV, especially the great Parkinson interviews that were aired on the BBC.
I shared so many of these…
ContinueAdded by The Choonies on January 16, 2012 at 12:04 — 17 Comments
An angry crowd shouted and threw eggs at Apple's Beijing flagship store after it failed to open on schedule on Friday to sell the popular new iPhone 4S model.
Added by Richard Roman on January 14, 2012 at 13:27 — 5 Comments
When I get home later this month my first breakfast will include:
2 rashers unsmoked danish back bacon, a good sized pork sausage, 2 fried eggs (easy over), button mushrooms, a half grilled tomato, 2 pieces of fried black pudding and fried bread. All washed down with a good mug of tea (with milk and sugar) - also English mustard for the sausage.
All followed with hot butterd toast and marmalade
here are some replies from the guardian on this most…
ContinueAdded by Richard Roman on January 11, 2012 at 22:41 — 22 Comments
It's superb. I can do nothing but smile. I am very happy,' says person who ate some of the prized tuna bluefin tuna caught off northeastern Japan fetched a record 56.49 million yen, or about $736,000, Thursday in the first auction of the year at Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market.
The price for the 593-pound tuna beat last year's record of 32.49 million yen or about $416,000. The price translates to $1,238 per pound — also a record, said Yutaka Hasegawa, a Tsukiji market…
ContinueAdded by The Choonies on January 11, 2012 at 7:12 — No Comments
The Changchun 2012 Ice and Snow Festival was grandly opened at Jingyuetan National Forest Park on Monday morning of January 2, 2012.
This year marks the 15th session of the Ice and Snow Festival, and the 10th anniversary for the settlement of Vasaloppet in Changchun.
The theme of the festival is “Passionate Vasaloppet, Attractive Changchun”. In line with “tour around Changchun, have fun on weekends” and “watch the Winter Games, travel around Jilin Province…
ContinueAdded by Richard Roman on January 10, 2012 at 16:46 — 1 Comment
The 28th International Harbin Ice and Snow Festival held in Harbin, in China's northern Heilongjiang province. The annual three-month long festival will have its opening ceremony on 5 January 2012
Well worth a visit if you have never been - Go to the ice festival in the evening and the snow festival the following morning - and then find a good Russian restaurant to warm up!
Added by Richard Roman on January 9, 2012 at 8:56 — No Comments
The secret to learning languages
Tips from the polyglots: Find out how your brain works
On a trip to Costa Rica, I marvelled at how a fellow…
ContinueAdded by Chris Knight on January 7, 2012 at 11:21 — 7 Comments
This first of a two-part blog about differences in the Chinese and Western educational systems and the following impacts is not about what is good and bad, for very little is indeed black and white. However, fact is that big differences in educational program, curriculum, and not least the whole concept of ’What is good education?’ brings out totally different skill-sets in young people coming out of high schools and universities in China and the West. A thing, are they not already, future…
ContinueAdded by cheese on January 4, 2012 at 10:34 — 5 Comments
Richard roman started me thinking with his last post, "what is the best drink in the world?" Belgium seems to be a great beer making country. But what is the best alcoholic beverage? Wine (what wine?), Beer (what beer?), Mixer (what mixer?, Shot (what shot?).
For me:
Beer - Yorkshire Bitter.
Wine - Californian Red
Mixer - Gin
Shot - Patron (Gold)…
ContinueAdded by Richard ridealgh on January 2, 2012 at 13:31 — 16 Comments
THE Trappist Abbey of St Sixtus of Westvleteren has little to offer those wishing to gawp at ecclesiastical architecture. The 19th-century buildings—squat, brick and functional—sit on a quiet country lane amid flat farmland, close to Belgium’s border with France. Yet the vast visitors’ car park is a clue that some people nevertheless consider the abbey worth a trip. For beer lovers, St Sixtus is a place of pilgrimage.
The abbey and its most famous brew, Westvleteren 12—a dark, strong…
ContinueAdded by Richard Roman on January 2, 2012 at 12:21 — 5 Comments
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